The day after we got back there was a big wind storm and one of the trees in the open space behind our house fell into our yard. In the process it crushed part of our fence – it’s a good thing that Tucker was still staying with my parents or he’d be able to escape again.
While Chris was working out in the yard he saw a big black snake hanging out in our fence. The next day he saw two snakes wound together – there will be baby snakes in our future.
Last year we planted a garden and the groundhog ate everything – we didn’t want it to happen this year. For Christmas, my parents bought us a trap so we set it up at the point in the fence that was dug under. It only took about an hour before we trapped us a groundhog!
We took the little vermin in the truck to try to find a place to release him far, far away from our house. We didn’t realize how challenging it would be to find a deserted stretch of road in the county – there is way too much building happening here! After about an hour, being followed by a lady for 15 minutes, and trying several different spots, we finally were able to relocate him to a nice wooded area where he won’t bother anybody else.
On Saturday we headed to the dump with a load of tires (the ones that were planted in our yard) and wire (from the defunct clotheslines). We dumped all of it and went to a rain barrel workshop. Hopefully soon we can set it up and our garden won’t die from the 95° heat!
In the afternoon, we walked over to Merriweather for Wine in the Woods. It was so incredibly crowded but we had a lot of fun.
The next morning, we woke up extremely early to head down to Richmond for our niece Jenna’s First Eucharist. She told me not to post any pictures so you’ll have to take my word that she looked beautiful! While we were there we also got to go to Kelli’s soccer game – they ended up in first place for the season!
This past week was more of the same – maintenance on the house. It seems like it never ends! As I write this, Chris is outside again cutting the grass.
A couple exciting things happened during the week. On was that we caught another vermin – this time it was a possum. Fortunately we didn’t have as much trouble releasing it into the wild. The second thing was that we finally put in the window air conditioning units – we’ve already had multiple 90°F days with high humidity. I think it’s about time for us to get some central air.
Over the weekend we traveled up to Pennsylvania to go camping with my family and pick up Tucker after he spent a month with my parents.
The weather was great Saturday, hot and stormy on Sunday, and hot again Monday. Luckily we were smart and took a back way through West Virginia on the way home – traffic on I-70 was ridiculous.
This week we will hopefully get to install a fence around the garden so we will actually be able to eat our own vegetables.
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