Because we did a lot of traveling over the holidays, we didn’t get much done on the house. That doesn’t mean we weren’t still thinking about it though! While in PA we went to a used furniture store where my mom had spotted a potential vanity for our master bathroom. The piece actually used to be part of an office set but it is the perfect size.
We do have to make some modifications to it but they should be relatively minor. We will need to shorten the drawers (or use them as false fronts), remove the electrical system (on the left is a surge protector from its life as a desk), and add some height. The most challenging part will be adding height. We plan on removing the top and installing additional framing to add height above the drawers. We will then cover this addition with some decorative molding and put on a new top (possibly tile).
My parents are going to be working on their main bathroom soon and decided to buy the other one in the store. And then my brother might steal the top of ours to use as his vanity top for his bathroom renovation. It appears that my family is all working on the same thing around the same time!
When we got home from all the holiday travel, we started playing around with grout colors. We couldn’t find a color that we liked enough in the store so we decided to mix up a few colors and see what we could come up with. Chris played around with several variations.
Once we chose one combination that we liked, we grouted everything in sight! Now that everything is grouted, we can seal it and start installing everything else in the bathroom.
For New Year’s Eve we spent some time at Lowes and Home Depot so that we would have everything on hand that we need to finish this bathroom. We bought a vanity and top, light fixture, paint, and some random items (new toilet seat, plumbing valves, etc.).
Our actual New Year’s Eve activities were dinner at home, watching the “Midnight at 7” fireworks from our driveway, and going to see the Muppets – we really know how to party!
Between (bad) bowl games yesterday, Chris was able to complete the painting, install the light, and start installing the window trim.
Hopefully the rest of this week we’ll be able to install everything else and have a functional full bathroom on the main level!
In baby news, I worked hard to get the nursery in a more useable state. Now (almost) everything is washed, folded, and put away. We still need to buy a chair but everything else seems to be in place.
I had a sonogram to determine the baby’s position – it is head down and ready to make its big entrance. However, I’m really starting to freak out…”I’m not ready to be a mother/give birth/take care of another person!” Fortunately for Chris, he’s in denial (which he claims is a much better state to be in at this point!).
It’s hard to believe that the baby could be here at any time – I really need to get this house clean!
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