Monday, March 26, 2012

Tiling a Shower During Baby Naps

We were incredibly productive this week. We worked on tiling the shower every night after Samantha’s bath and during her naps over the weekend. While we’re not finished yet, we accomplished a lot for having a baby!

We worked in small sections until we either ran out of thinset or until the baby woke up. Below you can see the work we did at each point. Hopefully we’ll be able to finish tiling this week!

Samantha acted as supervisor during some of the tiling work…she is a tough boss!

While Chris was at work, I was able to do some work while Samantha napped. The side of our garage has some day lilies Chris’ parents planted before but we’ve definitely neglected it since then. So I decided to remove a lot of the weeds so that they have a chance to grow (this side of the house needs some major work later!). Samantha did a great job sleeping in her stroller but unfortunately woke up before I was done.

We were also able to plant some trees this weekend. We had some small trees from the Arbor Day Foundation and we have to plant them in a protected place for a couple years before transplanting them to their final spot. We had some mulch left from the stump grinding last week so we won’t have to worry about mowing around the tiny trees.

I had a couple appointments this week so I wasn’t able to get much done around the house during the day – it makes me feel like a slacker! I had my six week post-partum midwife appointment on Thursday. I have lost over 25 pounds and I was given the green light to do whatever I want. I’m excited to start running and exercising again – it’ll make it easier to lose these last several pounds. I found a bunch of my pre-pregnancy jeans today and am able to fit into them so hopefully it won’t be long before I’m back to my normal weight.

In baby news, Samantha has been growing like a weed – a chubby one. She is definitely smiling and cooing a lot more which is a lot of fun for us. We’ve been taking her on a lot of walks when the weather is nice (which was just about every day this week). She is holding her head up even though she still doesn’t like tummy time very much. She loves books and we read a few each day (the Sesame Street books are great!). We also got to Skype with Grandma and Grandpa Bennett for the first time – I’m sure it’ll be fun for them to see her change each week. Here are some photos from the week:

We have only 3 more weeks before our permits expire for the bathroom work – let’s hope it is finished by then!

1 comment:

  1. Your shower tile is looking awesome! That is a lot of progress with or without a young child! Can't wait to see it all finished.
